Are you triggered to use alcohol when travelling?

Are you feeling uncomfortable travelling to an all Inclusive resort that serves FREE Alcohol? 

You can do this…without giving in to the temptation to use your “DRUG OF CHOICE” alcohol. 

All you need to do to make this holiday the most fun without alcohol is to plan for every situation possible. 

What will you say to the waiter in detail? What to say…I will have my favourite soft drink or fruit drink…no alcohol, please. 

Make sure to let the front desk know that you are having a dry no alcohol holiday. 

Ask yourself why is important to you to enjoy this holiday without alcohol. 

For example: 

Create a healthy relationship with my family. 

Live a fruitful life for years to come. 

Save money. 

Healthy body. 

Healthy mind. 

ZERO stress in your life. 

All these are great examples…but is your most important reason? Write yours in a your daily journal.

If this is you or someone you know, who is struggling with addictive behaviours click here to learn more about releasing your addictions in 24 HOURS.

I created a free webinar for people to learn what they can do to create massive change within themselves. Come check it out. 

Want to get this powerful info to inform your next best steps? Check out this link and register.

Or directly to my website 

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